The 107K county road, of almost 65 kilometers, starts in the east part of the Trascău massif, part of the Apuseni Mountains, from DN1 near Teiuș, from the village of Gâlda de Jos. The road follows Valea Gâlzii passing through the gorge with the same name and crosses a ridge at about 1000 m altitude then descending very close to Abrud (DN74) after the intersection with DJ107I.
Coming from east to west the road has an initial asphalted portion and in very good condition (the first approx. 15km) then the road gradually deteriorates until it ends up as a gravel road for the next 35 km.
The unpaved portion is, however, in good condition and with the exception of a few steeper climbs you can travel without major issues.
The asphalt reappears when we start the descent after Mogoș village. The last kilometers (25) to the intersection with DN74 are on a paved road but of poor quality.
The unpaved portion is, however, in good condition and with the exception of a few steeper climbs you can travel without major issuses.
From 107K you can also reach the Găldița and Turcului Gorge and Izherul Ighiel.

OFF02 Poiana Viselor
OFF02 Poiana Viselor

OFF01 Zărnești Măgura Peștera
OFF01 Zărnești Măgura Peștera