OFF21 Azuga Predeal

17,1 Km
adventure touring

If you run into a traffic jam on Prahova Valley or you just want to ride a little bit off-road, you can cover the distance between Azuga and Predeal on this route.

Coming from DN1, you will have to cross the whole resort up to the ski slope. This is where the asphalt ends and the road on the Azuga river valley begins. Theoretically, access on this road is forbidden. At the entrance from Azuga there is a sign with “No Access” but also a sign towards Cabana Susai and to a trout farm. On this road you can also reach Săcele, only that halfway to there, the road is blocked by a metal barrier that is often closed.

As I was telling you, the first part of this road follows upstream the Azuga River. Therefore we will climb easily from 970m to 1200 m in about 12 km. All this first part we will go mainly through the forest. The degree of difficulty is quite low, even after the rain because there are not many areas where mud can form.

Then we reach an intersection where we will have to turn left towards Predeal. From here the road begins to climb steeper. The first part, about 500m, is an area that after the rain becomes a bit muddy so it must be approached carefully. As we climb, the road becomes more rocky and the forest thins. After a few kilometers we will reach the top of a viewpoint. We are at 1300m altitude.

From here we will go a relatively horizontal the first part, on the level curve, then we will start the descent towards Predeal. The road re-enters the forest and down to Predeal we descend constantly without difficult road areas. We will reach the asphalt near the former Cioplea hotel, now called Belvedere.

The road is perfect for a leisurely off-road ride or for beginners. Apart from a short section of more accentuated ascent and with some stones, the road is of low difficulty.