The TET Romania route currently passes through the Dămucului valley. The problem is that this road has been paved in a proportion of 60%. It will probably be completely paved soon. So if you get in the area for offroad, don’t panic, there are many alternatives in the area. One of these roads is the one that crosses the Tarcău Mountains between Dămuc Valley and Tarcău Valley.
We traveled from West to East, starting from Ivaneș village. If you come from the Bicaz Gorges on DN12, in Bicaz-Chei you will have to enter DJ127A. Then after 2.2 km turn left on the communal road 137. The first kilometers before exiting the village are paved. When the last houses disappear, the asphalt also ends. The road follows the valley of the Ivaneș River for a few kilometers. At one point we leave the river on the left and the road begins to climb to the right. This is the slightly steeper part of this route. After climbing and reaching the top, stop to admire the landscape because the spectacular view is right behind you. I only saw it at home when I watched what I filmed.
Once you reach the top, the forest becomes a bit thicker. We will have a few serpentines on the way down until we reach the Ața Mică river. From here to the end, the road winds along the river bank and descends to about 500m altitude.
This road can be ridden without problems in the rain or after. It is paved quite well, and leveled. It’s ok for beginners too. About 80% of the length goes through the forest. There are a few clearings along the road and on the climb from Ivaneș, on the side of the mountain the trees are more spaced.
From the Tarcăului valley you can pass to the South on another forest road that comes out in the Trotușului Valley. You can also find it on our website.