OFF48 Săliște – Jina

adventure touring

This route can be accessed either from DN1 or from the A1 motorway, exiting towards Săliște. Once in Săliște, we will take the communal road 66.

On the first part we will climb through a dense forest and we will have some serpentines. After this climb on a relatively constant slope we will reach from 600 m altitude to almost 1000 m altitude in Poiana Soarelui.

From now on, we leave the forest and we can freely admire the hills and mountains around us. The road winds through the tops of the hills, the ascent areas alternate with descending parts, and slowly we reach 1300 m altitude near Crinț Chalet.

As soon as we pass the cottage we will reach a intersection where we will go forward and a little to the right.

Immediately after the intersection, a beautiful landscape will open, towards the southern part of the Cindrel Mountains. The most spectacular part of the route follows: a road that crosses the ridge of the Cindrel mountains towards the village of Jina. A mandatory stop will be the peak of Guga Mare at 1388 m altitude from where you will have a 360 degree panorama.

The road is of low to medium difficulty and can be traveled even after a moderate rain. On the first part, between Săliște and Crinț Chalet, the road is quite well paved but there are also many parts with a layer of a few cm of sand. From Cabana Crinț to Jina, the road is a bit more uneven, with bigger stones but also small portions of gravel and mud.

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