Transsemenic was finalized in 2014 and it’s in a very good state. In some areas there are already small cracks in the asphalt but I hope the administrators of the road will repair them soon. Sadly or fortunately, this is the road is very little known so the traffic is almost zero.
Segment 1 – average riding speed 40-60 Km/h:
The road starts in Resita and initially was the only paved part of the hole road. It connects the city with the touristic area near Valiug Lake.The first 6-8km are with old asphalt which is very bumpy and there are a lot of potholes. Up to Valiug, most of the road is through a forest and it has a lot of curves.
Segment 2 – average riding speed 60-70 Km/h
After crossing Valiug, the road starts climbing a little bit steeper with a lot of tight bend.This part of the road is also through the forest but from time to time you can stop and admire the view from above upon Valiug Lake and Semenic Mountains. This climbing ends after the village Trei Ape (Three Waters)
Segmentul 3 – average riding speed 70-90 Km/h:
After leaving behind the Garana and Brebu Nou villages, the road starts descending with a constant gradient down to Slatina-Timis village. There are lots of wide curves and 2 or 3 hairpins. The asphalt is excellent and also the scenery.

S01 Transfăgărășan
S01 Transfăgărășan