When you reach the highest point of the Ghimeș pass, you will see a dirt road on the opposite side of the kiosk with kurtos kalacs. It doesn’t seem like much at first but you’ll see it’s worth it. After a few hundred meters you reach a GSM antenna and from here you will realise that you are on the mountain ridge and the landscape opens in all directions. You can also see Lake Frumoasa on one side and the Trotuș Valley on the other side.
From now on, the road follows the mountain ridge towards East for the next kilometers. There will be parts where we go horizontally and the road almost disappears into the grass, parts with steep climbs and a lot of loose rocks and short sections with slats or pits full of water.
The landscape is beautiful and you feel like stopping every 5 minutes to take pictures. About 10 km from when we entered this road we will intersect the TET Romania route. You will realize that because from a road that gets lost in the grass, you will enter a slightly wider and more circulated road. Circulated is a big word because I didn’t see any kind of vehicle, only that the grass doesn’t grow on the road and you can see traces of vehicles wheels..
At a few hundred meters we will come across the end of a road with perfect asphalt, freshly arranged and you will wonder why you struggled to climb on the other side when on this road you would climb here in 5 minutes instead of half an hour.
We ride about 2 kilometers and we will reach a saddle where the road forks. TET takes a left, straight forward the road leads to a sheepfold and we will take a right on the road that goes down.
There will be two parts where you descend a little steeper and the road is full of stones, then we will descend smoothly on the hillside. The scenery is still beautiful. On the valley on the left you can see the TET Romania route that leads to the village of Potiond.
Slowly the road descends below 1000m altitude and the trees thicken around us until we enter the forest. From here the descent becomes more accentuated and after a few kilometers we reach flat ground, at about 850m altitude. Our route ends at the entrance to the village of Soimeni when we get to the asphalt.

OFF14 Strategica (TET Romania)
OFF14 Strategica (TET Romania)

OFF12 Văideeni Curmătura Oltețului
OFF12 Văideeni Curmătura Oltețului