OFF36 Ardeluța – Tărhăuși

23,6 Km
adventure touring

If you want to pass between Tarcăului Valley and Trotușului Valley, this road is the shortest option. We went from North to South. As you come on the road from Valea Tarcăului, at the end of Ardeluța village, the asphalt ends. From here you will enter the Tărcuța river valley. The road crosses a dense deciduous forest mixed with fir trees. We will climb slightly along the river, on its northern bank until we reach the Tărcuța Monastery. Up to here, we have already covered about 10 km. So far the road is quite good and of low difficulty.

In front of the monastery we will have to take the road on the left. We will have a more sustained ascent and then a flatter part.

We then reach a fork where again we have to turn left on the road that goes up. We will have a few hundred meters of a slightly steeper climb then surprise! We reach the asphalt. The asphalt is extremely degraded but it seems that a few years ago, they wanted to arrange this road with everything you need: there are traffic signs, metal railings and retaining walls. The whole part of the road of ​​maximum altitude is asphalted and the descent area to Tărhăuși.

Then after the serpentines and the descent is over, we return to a macadam road.

From now on we will descend smoothly until we reach the village of Tărhăuși where the asphalt starts again.

This road is of low difficulty. For the most part we ride through the forest, but in the peak area the trees are thinning and there are a few places where you can admire the surrounding mountains.

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