S14 Sărata Monteoru – Măgura

31,2 Km
all types

This road is relatively little known. Until recently, the road was not paved and is not located in a touristic area. The route doesn’t connect any large cities or important villages therefore the traffic is very low.

Segment 1: Sarata Monteoru – Leiculesti

99% of the length of the route crosses a dense forest and sometimes you feel as if you would traverse a long tunnel of vegetation. The only areas with no forests are Sarata Monteoru and towards the end of the route, near Leiculesti. If you are lucky and you ride on this road late in the autumn on a sunny day the view is absolutely superb: leaves in all shades of color from golden yellow to red rust.

The road is relatively narrow and the asphalt is perfect. There are hundreds of curves wider or tighter, and even some hairpins, winding over several hills between the two villages: Leiculesti and Sarata Monteoru. The road is very fun to ride and the only problem is that it’s too short!

This spectacular route together with the other segment of DJ203G is a good choice of returning to Bucharest after a ride on the Siriu Valley.

Segment 2: Hales – Magura

This short stretch of road was paved a few years ago, so the asphalt is very good. Coming from the south, from Hales, the first part of the road is very fast with some straight lines and fast curves. Then, as you go deeper into the forest, the road starts to climb the hill and you will have more and more tight curves. Half the distance between Hales and Magura there is the Ciolanu Monastery  then, right next to it, the open air sculpture workshop from Magura. In the middle 70′ a lot of artists worked here during summertime, creating lots of stone sculptures which remained displayed on this hill.

After the workshop site, the roads climes a little bit more, there is even a hairpin curve, then it starts to go down towards road DN10. This part of the road is very dangerous because the visibility is limited by the dense forest. After 8 km of steep descent the road ends suddenly at the intersection with DN10.

This road is very fun to ride, but you should be careful especially if you go during spring time because there is a lot of sand of the road which remained from the winter.