Offroad motorcycle tour in Harghita

4Days 2Ride Harghita 2020

How it was in our 2020 tour

Date: 24-28 September 

Duration: 5 days / 4 days riding / 4 nights accommodation

Length: 630 Km

Distance on asphalt: 345 Km

Distance off road: 285 Km

Start / Finish: Băile Tușnad / Târgu Secuiesc

4Days 2Ride Harghita  explored the Eastern Carpathians from the Bodoc mountains to the north to the Bistrita mountains. We passed from the south to the north, through the Ciuc, Tarcău, Ceahlău and Giurgeului mountains on off road trails away from the crowds and the presence of tourists. We went to well-known areas such as Bicaz Gorges or Izvorul Muntelui Lake or on road segments from the TET Romania route.

Check-out the video and photos if you want to see how we had fun in our tour and on what type of roads we went.

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