A good route option for beginners in the off road riding is the road between Lake Bolboci and the village of Glod. This segment is part of TET Romania. The road is about 21 km long and starts from the paved road that connects Lake Bolboci with the Dichiului Cabin and Sinaia. It is a fairly wide road, without much gravel, without many high elevations and with a relatively ok surface. Many portions can be traveled with more than 50Km/h. The road is quite winding, many curves of all kinds, even a few hairpins and it goes down almost the entire length slowly, except a few areas where it climbs or the last few kilometers where it descends more steeply towards Glod Village. These last few miles are paved anyway, but don’t think it is so good, because the asphalt is full of potholes and irregularities so this part is, I think, more uncomfortable than the part without asphalt.
Somewhere 5 km after you enter the road you will come across a crossroad. Here if you want, you can take a detour, 3 km longer, that passes near Lake Scropoasa and next to the 7 Springs Waterfall and then return on the main road somewhere 3.2 km further down the valley.
In terms of landscapes, the road is not very spectacular because more than 90% of its length you will be surrounded by the forest. There is only one area where you can admire the surroundings and the limestone quarry at Moroeni.
As I said earlier, when you get close to the Moroeni TBC Sanatorium, the asphalt starts to appear and only when we approach the village of Glod, it becomes acceptable in terms of quality. The Bolboci Glod segment ends at the intersection with DN72 Sinaia – Târgoviște right in the center of the village of Glod.