OFF31 Bertea – Teșila

14km (7Km ridden by us)
adventure touring

Last summer we came from Vălenii de Munte and we wanted to reach the Doftana Valley. A secondary road appears on Google Maps so we said let’s try it. From what we checked on Street View, it looked unpaved, so we thought it would be fun.

The road up to Bertea is paved. Then at the exit of the village begins a macadam road. The first part seems to be ready for asphalting because the road is quite wide and leveled. Then as we approach Red Lutu the road gets worse and worse. At Lutu Roșu, level differences begin to appear. There are parts of a steeper ascent, then a relatively horizontal part, then a descent and so on. The road becomes less and less paved so potions with sludge, large bumps and mud appear.

As we move away from Lutu Roșu the road sinks into a deciduous forest so the rainwater will dry in a long time. So the chances of coming across parts of deep mud are quite high. The problem with this mud is that it is very sticky, very clayey, as the name of the nearby town tells us.

After a few kilometers through the forest, the road we were on, started to move away from the route marked on GPS. Finally we reached a place where the road was completely collapsed so we got stuck. We may have missed an intersection but we couldn’t find the road that would take us to Teșila. And especially since we managed to get stuck in the mud and worked for an hour to get out of there. After that we didn’t feel like looking for the road anymore so we went back to the asphalt.

Next time we will try from Teșila, maybe we will succeed. You can see on the map how far we have come and in the video how we got stuck in the mud.

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