This road is one of the 2 passes over the Vâlcan mountains next to the Transvâlcan located a little further to the east.
Sohodol Canyon
The route starts at the exit from the village of Runcu at the intersection with the communal road 672D. We will follow county road 672C. The Sohodol gorges start as soon as we leave the village. The side slopes are not very steep, but they have a special aspect due to the vegetation that in this area resembles a little to the Mediterranean area. The gorges section was paved at some point, probably many years ago. Now the asphalt is quite degraded, especially because they dug a trench in the middle for a pipeline.
The gorge is spectacular. There are many places where the river has dug all kinds of grottoes or small caves in the rock walls. The most spectacular being a place where the water has created a small tunnel in the rock, which can also be seen from the road.
Forest area
As soon as the canyon ends, the asphalt also ends and we enter the forest. From now on the landscape will be pretty much the same until the end: dense deciduous forest combined with softwoods.
The road climbs smoothly along the valley of the Sohodol river until we reach an intersection where we will have to take it to the left. From now on the pass begins. The next few kilometers we will climb steadily. You will have to be careful because at some point you have to turn onto a road to the right even though it looks like the main road is the one ahead. It would have been worth exploring this road as well because it seems to keep going up and out into the alpine hollow. Unfortunately I didn’t have time this time.
After this 2nd intersection, we climb a little more, pass a few sharp turns and reach the point of maximum altitude of the route. We are at over 1100m altitude, it’s not much, but still we climbed over 800m since we left Runcu.
At first the descent is a bit steeper, then the descent becomes softer and we enter the course of the Valea de pești river. The forest is a bit sparser on the north side and we will also cross some clearings. We will know that we are close to the end of the trail when we see Valea de Pești lake on the left side of the road.
The route ends at the junction with DN66A on the West Jiului valley. The road is not very difficult and is quite well paved so that it can be traveled without problems even by beginners. In the top area there are some sections where in case of rain, mud can form and in this case the route can become much more difficult especially since the sections are in sloping areas.
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