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OFF13 Oltețului Gorge (TET Romania)
23,5 Km
We traveled this segment down the valley, coming from the Nedeii Peak and from Vaideeni (https://2ride.eu/segment/off12-vaideeni-curmatura-oltetului/) but we will tell you the opposite, from Polovragi to Curmătura Oltețului because that is the way most will probably follow.

S12 Ciumârna Pass
53 Km
Once on DN73, coming from Sadova, after a few kilometers, you will begin a climb, quite sharp with many curves, and the first thing that will surprise you is incredibly beautiful landscape.

S09 Transapuseni
The TransApuseni road starts in the village of Rachitele just as the paved road finishes. Theoretically this road should have been finished since 2013 but because of some corruption scandals, the works have been ceased and only the western half of the road is paved.

S07 Mușat Pass
73 Km
Coming from Focșani, at the beginning the road and landscape are quite flat and boring. Once you pass the Vidra village, the valley starts to get narrower and the surrounding hills become higher and higher and the road starts to wind along the river Putna.

S05 Transbucegi
12 Km
This road was first built in the 20's but just as a dirt road and it reached the Babele area on top of Bucegi Mountains. In 2010, works began for the rehabilitation of this road.

S04 Transrarău
40 Km
Transrarău road, also named the “Road of Treasures”, crosses the Rarău mountains and connects the villages Chiril (on the southern side) and Pojorata (on the northern side).