12,1 Km
A route over the agricultural fields of Bărăgan, from Frumușani to Fundeni, passing by the ruins of the church from Pițigaia and by the pit from Fundeni
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Route along the Sabar river, from 1 Decembrie commune from DN5, to Valea Dragului village near the place where Sabarul flows into Argeș
Offroad route between Cochirleni village and Oltina village, on the right bank of the Danube and on the shores of Lake Dunăreni
The road is interesting because it is quite varied in landscape. A first part through a wild forest on a very narrow path. A second part at the edge of the forest or on the shores of Lake Limanu.
Route on country roads between Brănești and Hagiești village. It goes through the forest, on the shore of a lake and over the fields of Bărăgan in the eastern part of Bucharest