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OFF068 Eșelnița – Eftimie Murgu
46,1 Km
The road between Eșelnița and Eftimie Murgu is part of the TET Romania route and crosses the Almăjului Mountains from southeast to northwest, exceeding an altitude of 1000m and passing through the vicinity of the Svinecea Mare peak (1224m altitude). The route has 2 parts of equal length, half...
OFF67 TransVâlcan
Pasul Vâlcan or Transvâlcan is a half-paved, half-unpaved road that crosses the Vâlcan mountains from North to South
OFF66 Cheile Sohodolului – Valea de Pești
28,9 Km
The route starts from the village of Runcu, crosses the Sohodolului Gorge, then on a macadam road we cross the Vâlcan mountains to Valea de Pești on the West Jiului valley
The national road 66A from Câmpu lui Neag to Cerna-Sat crosses the Retezat Mountains, Godeanu and then the Cernei Mountains in turn.
OFF64 Valea de Brazi – Curmătura Tulișa
Road that climbs from 732m to Curmătura Tulișa at 1555m altitude in the Retezat Mountains, a place with superb views.
OFF63 Comandău – Foișorul celor 3 Provincii – Lunca Jariștei
94 Km
Forest road of almost 100 km from Comandău to the Foișorul of the 3 provinces, then to Lunca Jariștei at the base of the Siriu dam.