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OFF58 Frumușani – Fundeni
12,1 Km
A route over the agricultural fields of Bărăgan, from Frumușani to Fundeni, passing by the ruins of the church from Pițigaia and by the pit from Fundeni
OFF59 1Decembrie – Valea Dragului
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Route along the Sabar river, from 1 Decembrie commune from DN5, to Valea Dragului village near the place where Sabarul flows into Argeș
OFF42 Brănești – Hagiești
Route on country roads between Brănești and Hagiești village. It goes through the forest, on the shore of a lake and over the fields of Bărăgan in the eastern part of Bucharest
OFF41 DNCB – Pițigaia
Offroad route on the fields between the Bucharest Beltway, DN4 and the Dâmbovița River. Dirt agricultural roads, some forests and a lake
OFF16 Upstream on Argeș river
44,5 Km
Road on the left bank of Argeș River from 1 Decembrie village upstream to the dam at Mihăilești and then to Bolintin Vale.
OFF15 On Argeș river bank
43,5 Km
Road along Argeș where the Danube-Bucharest canal should have been. You will encounter many ruins of the infrastructure work started for it.